Fruit Trees

Although not actually a tree, standard-size edible banana plants can grow up to 30 feet tall. Dwarf cultivars are also available and may be easier for the home gardener to manage. The Texas climate lends itself to growing these bananas, although you must provide them with the right soil, water and fertilizer.

Meyer Lemon Tree and Blood Orange trees arrived this morning, 6/11/2021. Ordered the trees on 6/4/2021. Immediately took them out (both trees were in one box) and watered them. They will be indoor plants once the weather starts getting cold here in CO so I put them in pots. The trees are looking great! The leaves look so healthy with vibrant green color. The Lemon tree has fruit buds already. The Orange tree has flowers about to emerge. Looking forward to picking some sweet citrus once they're ready for picking. Great job packing the trees. Just ordered a weigela shrub. We are so pleased with the great packing, the trees arriving in great condition and the speed with which our order was filled. Planting Tree is awesome!

Celeste Fig (Ficus carica 'Celestial') is one of the most widely planted Fig trees in the United States and with good reason. This Fig tree produces such sweet and delicious fruit that it often goes by its nickname, the "Sugar Fig".
It earns its nickname each summer with scrumptiously sweet fruit that has a rich, buttery-smooth flavor and texture. The fruit is not only delicious - it's beautiful, too.
The fruit features edible, violet skin and rose-colored, strawberry-like flesh inside. Celeste Figs can be eaten fresh for a delightful treat. No need to peel, you can eat the skin and all! The fruit also dries perfectly for long-term storage and easy snacking.

The Arctic Frost Satsuma tree can withstand short-term temperatures as low as 9 degrees according to the Texas A and M Research and Extension Center. This cold-hardy citrus tree grows successfully in zones 8 to 11 in the ground. It can also be grown as a patio plant in any USDA growing zone. The cold tolerance of this tree gives growers in colder growing zones some extra padding time for getting this tree protected during winter.
You would think that this exciting feature of the Arctic Frost Satsuma Mandarin tree would translate to poor quality fruit. But fortunately for those of us that love growing citrus outside of its rightful growing regions, Arctic Frost mandarins are delicious. They also have few or no seeds and easy to peel skin! Moreover, these small fruit trees are beautiful. The glossy green leaves are evergreen. The pretty flowers are fabulously fragrant and the growing fruit adds a great look to your landscape or indoor living space.

The Black Mission Fig Tree is a very special fig, with large, jet-black fruit, filled with strawberry-colored flesh with a sweet, rich flavor. The large fruits are renowned for their powerful aroma and flavor, and they are one of the very best varieties you can grow. This plant grows into a large tree, with beautiful large leaves, divided into five lobes. It produces two crops of figs a year, one in late spring or early summer, and the other in late summer or early fall. You will be harvesting figs for weeks and weeks and enjoying the unique flavor that is only possible with tree-ripened fruit. Store-bought fruit must be picked before it is fully ripe, so fragile are the fully-ripened fruits, but those figs never ripen fully, so they always have a weak flavor. Only home-grown will deliver the full sweetness and flavor that makes this variety famous.

It sounds too good to be true, but clementine trees are great houseplants that are fairly easy to care for. In fact, if you haven’t grown citrus trees before, this is a great starter. Clementine trees are more durable and forgiving than their relatives. Plus, they grow just about the sweetest mandarins out there!
In this article, we’ll answer all your questions such as ‘What is a clementine?’ and ‘How am I supposed to grow a tropical fruit in the United States?’. By the end, you’ll be all set to get planting, cultivating, and munching.

From candy, to marzipan (my all-time favorite), to the boom in almond “milk” interest, people are absolutely nutty about almonds, and rightly so.
Believe it or not this coveted tree crop has been cultivated from as early as 4,000 BC – and shows no sign of dropping out of fashion any time soon.
In the same family as other firm favorites such as peaches, cherries, plums, and apricots, almonds provide a delicious, nutritious, and extremely versatile addition to any homestead or garden.

Key limes (Citrus × aurantiifolia) are native to Southeast Asia. They are hybrids; a cross between two lesser known primitive citrus, papeda and citron. It is thought that from their homeland in Southeast Asia , the fruit travelled along the trade routes to the Middle East and then to North Africa and on to Spain from whence it was carried to the New World by the Spanish as they colonized the West Indies. From there, it was just a short hop to the Florida Keys. In modern times, the fruit is grown in Central and South America as well as tropical parts of the US including Florida, California and Texas.

The Bruce Plum Tree is one of the toughest varieties of plum trees out there!
It’s a Chickasaw x Japanese Cross to create a sweet and juicy plum perfect for growing in your backyard! In late spring, white flowers will burst out of the bare stems that mature into dark red fruits. With loads of late spring blooms, there is no chance of losing them due to a late spring frost and you will get plenty of fruit on the tree in no time! With an early ripening season, you could be picking Bruce plums by June.
The medium to large fruits can be eaten fresh off the tree, baked into goods like cobblers or pies, or preserved into jellies for later use. The Bruce plum taste can be described as mildly sweet and mellow from the buttery yellow flesh. The red skin leaves a crisp crunch in your mouth.
Varieties: Ozark Premier Plum | Moon Glow Pear | Warren Pear | Methley Plum

The Spring Satin Plumcot is a delicious fruit that is a cross between a plum and an apricot. It has a dark-red skin with a satin surface, and yellow flesh that ripens to red. It has a high sugar content when ripe, and the fruit is delicious for eating fresh or for preserves. Fruit ripens between late May and early July, depending on your climate zone, and the fruit stores well in a cool place after picking. This vigorous and easy tree is a great introduction to the joys of growing fruit at home, and highly recommended.

Mayhaw is the name given to the fruit of the species of Crataegus series Aestivales[2] that are common in wetlands throughout the southern United States. The principal species are C. aestivalis, the eastern mayhaw, and C. opaca, the western mayhaw.
Mayhaws grow in moist soil in river and creek bottoms under hardwood trees. The fruit is also found in bayous surrounding lakes, such as Caddo Lake on the Texas/Louisiana border. The fruit ripens in late April through May, thus the name may-haw. Mayhaws are often collected out of the water from boats, and the fruit is used to make jelly.

An orange is a fruit of various citrus species in the family Rutaceae (see list of plants known as orange); it primarily refers to Citrus × sinensis,[1] which is also called sweet orange, to distinguish it from the related Citrus × aurantium, referred to as bitter orange. The sweet orange reproduces asexually (apomixis through nucellar embryony); varieties of sweet orange arise through mutations.
Over the course of the next few months, we'll be adding more and more of our in-store plants to our website to reflect our inventory. In the mean time, come by and see all that we have in the greenhouse and along the shrub and tree lines!