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Blue American Agave (Agave americana) is one of those dramatic-looking plants that simply cannot be overlooked in the landscape! It commands attention on so many levels '– its form, its size, its texture, and its spectacular bluish-gray to bluish-green color. If you want to make a bold design statement without having to fuss over a demanding plant, low-maintenance Blue American Agave will not disappoint.


The Aloe Vera plant is originally native to the Arabian Peninsula, but it can now be found all over the world. In the wild, this spiky plant can grow up to a metre wide and has more than 300 varieties. As a houseplant, it's an attractively tropicalproposition. Its serrated, fleshy leaves are striking, and as it's a succulent it doesn't require much watering – in fact, it's better if you forget about it for a while between waterings, as overwatering could kill it.

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This small-leaved succulent serves as food for elephants in its native environment--hence the common name "Elephant Bush."  Versatile and easy to grow, you'll enjoy adding this lovely variety to your succulent collection.

Please note that the Berg's Italian terra cotta pot may be red or gray based on availability.

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Concrete Leaf or Titanopsis calcarea is a unique stone-like succulent. It is a mimicry plant that has evolved to resemble the limestone of its natural habitat to evade predators. Concrete plant has a camouflaging rocky pattern of grayish green and blue with little bumps all over. This succulent is native to South Africa and also known as jewel plant. Concrete plant develops shiny, daisy-looking, yellow flowers in the fall and early spring. 

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Corpuscularia lehmannii: Various types of succulents are referred to as Ice Plants, but Corpuscularia lehmannii (sometimes listed as Delosperma lehmannii) has a particularly distinctive form. Its angular, three-sided leaves are extremely fleshy with a smooth, blue-green skin. In the wild, it grows in rocky crevices in South Africa and has a deep taproot to endure full sun and periods of drought. It blooms in the spring / summer growing season with large, many-petaled flowers of butter yellow. The blooms open in the morning and close in the evening.


When grown with lots of sunlight and great drainage (gritty soil, pots with drainage holes, etc.), C. lehmannii can grow 8.0" tall and spread over a foot wide. Water deeply and slightly more frequently than most succulents; this species will wrinkle its leaves when it's ready for water.

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Little jewel leaves have a slightly flattened cylindrical shape. They are greyish-green and their surfaces are covered with a thin layer of white powder. The leaf blades turn red at the tip after prolonged exposure to sunlight, and they can bear a pretty pink color under great temperature variation.

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String of Pearls is an eye-catching and easily recognisable plant due to its succulent leaves which resemble its name. Its spherical green beads beautifully trail down long, slim stems. The trailing stems can reach up to 1m in length making it the perfect hanging plant, ideal for cascading over the edge. 

The String of Pearls has been cultivated as an indoor hanging plant. However, in its natural habitat (originating in South Africa) it vigorously creeps along the ground forming a mat as it goes. It is a very robust succulent and isn’t too picky about its growing conditions.


Graptoveria 'Opalina' (Echeveria colorata × Graptopetalum amethystinum) (Grim): An opalescent rosette and wonderfully low-maintenance. Keep it in partial sun and it will be a powdery blue-greenwith a nice covering of farina. Move it into sunnier conditions and it will flush pink at the edges. Its distinctive leaves stay fairly upright and can grow into an 8.0" wide rosette.


'Opalina' is a relatively fast grower and will produce clusters of offsets at the base of the mother rosette. It thrives in sunny locations and pots and soil with excellent drainage. Water deeply and only when the soil is completely dry.


The biggest problem folks have with flowering potted plants in the heat of summer is remembering that they need water, lots of it.  One way to work around having to remember to water every single day is to plant something that doesn’t like too much water but still can churn out a great daily flower show.  For this job, there’s only one choice, Purslane (Portulaca oleracea).

Angelina Stonecrop is smothered in stunning yellow star-shaped flowers at the ends of the stems from early to mid summer. Its attractive succulent needle-like leaves remain gold in color throughout the season. The fruit is not ornamentally significant..

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Aphelandra Squarrosa is a striking appearance and sought after for its white-grained leaf drawing and yellow flower.


Bunny Ears Cactus is native to northern Mexico and desert regions stretching into Arizona. This plant will grow 2-3 feet tall and spread 4-6 feet as a mature plant. It needs full sun in the summer months and should be grown in a pot with cactus potting soil to prevent root rot. In the winter months, it requires cooler temperatures of 50-65 degrees F, very little water and partial sun conditions. It may bloom if these conditions are met or it may die if they are not.

It is made up of stem-like pads with numerous yellow glochids that look cottony but contain numerous thin spines. Handle with gloves!. The pads are produced in pairs giving it the bunny ear look. Propagation is done by breaking off one of the pads in spring and rooting in well-drained soil. It rarely blooms with yellow cup-shaped flowers.

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Light: The moon cactus plant requires bright indirect sunlight. Full sun will actually harm this container plant, so keep it out of direct sunlight for long periods of time.

Water: Water moon cactus thoroughly, then let the plant dry out between waterings.

Fertilizer: You don't need to regularly fertilize your moon cactus plant, but you should dose it with a cactus fertilizer every month during its growing season (April to September).

Temperature: The tiny moon cactus won't do well in very cold temperatures, so bring it inside to overwinter during the cold winter months.


Prickly Pear cactus grows best in zones 7-10. It grows best in full sunlight. The soil should be well-drained and gravelly. It should be planted 6 feet apart, as it can grow 3 feet high and 6 feet wide. Opuntia Blooms in the summer and produces yellow or pink flowers. It grows in clumps. Opuntia should not be over watered because it can promote root rot. Gloves should be worn when they are handled because the needles are sharp. They do not need additional fertilizer when planted outdoors. If the green color starts to fade or the plant does not bloom, then it should be given fertilizer. It is normal for prickly pear cactus to shrink in the winter season. It is suitable for xeriscaping because it is drought tolerant. Xeriscaping is a way of landscaping by using plants that are native and drought-resistant to cut down on the usage of water.

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Euphorbia is a large genus of smooth and spiny shrubs and cactus-like succulents from 4” to 20 feet in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Of the more than 1,600 species (including poinsettia, castor bean and cassava), crown of thorns, E.milii is a smallish tropical species from Madagascar that has long been grown as a houseplant or ornamental in warm climates. Many cultivars and hybrids have been developed that vary in flower size and color. The species name milii honors Baron Milius, once governor of the island of Bourbon, who introduced the species into cultivation in France in 1821. 

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The Red Yucca Plant is low on effort but immense on color! This native plant can withstand drought and harsh temperatures, while still giving off some lovely colors year-round.


If you want your garden to attract some attention, this flowering succulent is a draw for butterflies, birds, and bees. This plant is also commonly known as the “Hummingbird Yucca” since it attracts hummingbirds with its flower stalks.


Don’t worry, though, because the leaves are deer-resistant!

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Sedum Lemon Ball has striking needle-shaped foliage of a brilliant golden yellow color. It stays low and spreads wide.


Euphorbia lactea is a species of spurge native to tropical Asia, mainly in India. It is an erect shrub growing up to 5 metres tall, with succulent branches 3–5 centimetres diameter, ridged, with a triangular or rhombic cross-section; the ridges are spiny, with short spines up to 5 millimetres long.


Wavy, long, silvery blue-green leaves with spotting on the front and backside of the leaves. Growing 6 to 8 inches tall and 18 to 24 inches wide. Great for patio containers and rock gardens.


String of Bananas (Senecio radicans) is a hardy succulent plant that tolerates most conditions. It has white flowers that appear at various times of the year, with light green leaves that look just like bananas hanging from the stem. Perfect to flow over a bookshelf, windowsill or even in the office.


String of Hearts, Ceropegia woodii, is just one of many species in the genus Ceropegia that are grown as ornamental houseplants. Native to southern Africa, from Zimbabwe to eastern South Africa, this tender perennial plant in the milkweed subfamily (Asclepiadoideae) of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) is sometimes classified as C. linearis subsp. woodii. 

Arrow-shaped leaves, along thin vines that cascade down. He prefers bright indirect light.

Treat this plant like a succulent. Water thoroughly, but allow the soil to dry between watering.


Dolphin Plant, or String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus), is a rare variety of trailing succulent that looks like a pod of leaping dolphins. This uncommon hybrid is a cross of String of Pearls (S. rowleyanus) and Candle Plant (Senecio articulatus).

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Pachypodium lamerei is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae. It is a stem succulent, photosynthesizing mainly through its trunk, and comes from the island of Madagascar, off the east coast of Africa. It has large thorns and leaves mostly just at the top of the plant, and large, fragrant flowers.


The Donkey-tail Spurge is an evergreen, succulent perennial. It makes sprawling or trailing stems of spiraling grey-blue leaves, with clusters of chartreuse-yellow flowers appearing through the spring months. This will grow in most any sunny area, but does particularly well in hot, dry sites with poor soil. Looks terrific in a rock garden or rock wall. 

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Echeveria is a large genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceaenative to semi-desert areas of Central America, Mexico and northwestern South America.


Over the course of the next few months, we'll be adding more and more of our in-store plants to our website to reflect our inventory. In the mean time, come by and see all that we have in the greenhouse and along the shrub and tree lines!  



Address: 4701 Stonewall Street Greenville, TX 75401

Main: 903-422-3380

Message: 1-972-754-1526


Summer Hours  
Mon-Fri: 8:30am to 6:30pm
Saturday 8-6:30
Sundays: 11am to 3pm

Winter Hours

Mon-Sat: 9:00am - 5:30pm
​Sundays:11am - 3pm


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